


Step 1:商家先与买家沟通,了解买家的诉求
商家可使用下方话术给予买家建议:确认买家地址填写是否正确,查找周边并与末端物流商(Royal Mail)联系确认包裹状态
  • If the tracking for your parcel shows as delivered but you haven’t received it, you should check if you gave a correct address when you made an order. The correct address should include flat/house number, street number and street name and a corresponding postcode.
  • If you are sure the address is correct, you should:
  • 1. Look around your surroundings and check if your parcel has been placed in a hidden area like corridor or reception or accepted by your neighbor.
  • 2. Check if your family, friends, or roommates at your address have accepted the parcel on your behalf.
  • 3. Check if there is an attempted delivery notice in your mailbox or on your door. Follow the instructions on that notice to request redelivery or to pick up your parcel by yourself.
  • 4. Contact the carrier if there’s still no clue of the package. Royal Mail phone number is 03457 777 888. They are open Monday to Friday 7am-8pm, Saturday 8am-6pm and Sunday 9am-4pm. Their website is https://www.royalmail.com/track-your-item. If necessary, you can ask for the help of the nearest post office to check if your parcel is there.
Step 2:商家无法帮助用户,用户进一步寻求平台客服的帮助
如果商家在与用户的沟通过程中,用户表示自己的下单地址填写正确Royal mail无法提供有效信息,商家可给予下图,指导用户找到咨询平台客服的入口
Step 3:平台客服介入处理核实
平台客服接收到虚假签收case后,会重点核1)用户下单地址填写准确性;2)根据尾tracking numberRoyal Mail网站确认包裹状态。针对有争议的场景,会让用户和物流商双方提供证据,如果是用户错误(如地址填写错误),则由买家担责;如果是物流商错误,则会请求由物流商赔付;如果无法区分责任方,则由平台兜底。
